http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSrxtEcZWiQendofvid [starttext]Nice. I saw a bunch of clouds with your buttprint on it! [endtext]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSkpvJfRqDAendofvid [starttext]Now that you speak of it, I think its quite possible for it to be a kite.. Cause I'd been observing its motion, and its like moving forwards and backwards.. But I'm alittle suspicious. Haha, thanks for the info. [endtext]
Unidentified Flying Object in Singapore 13-2-2011
Ufo in Singapore
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wPGofv5cucendofvid [starttext]I saw this too on that day! But I was watching this from the esplanade rooftop garden. It was far away, i watched across to the marina bay sands area. [endtext]
UFO. Singapore. Serangoon Area. 22 April 2011. 8+pm.
Ufo in Singapore
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI6hOXEZKYoendofvid [starttext] These are contrails created by an aircraft flying above a certain height. [endtext]
UFO spotted in Little India, Singapore on 22 Feb 2011.
Ufo in Singapore
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npP_cofNY7Yendofvid [starttext] saw the same thing this evening. every year after firework shows this things floats by over head.... [endtext]
UFO appeared in constantly in Singapore
Ufo in Singapore
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCt2Frq2iW8endofvid [starttext]As much as I believe they have made contact with some of us they clearly do not want to be known by the masses. [endtext]
Top Secret classified Russia KGB UFO Alien Gray film material leaked 2011
Ufo documents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf5HGoquX44endofvid [starttext]of course the MOD are interested in UFO sightings,they probably dont know much more about them than us,only that they do exist and they are visiting our planet and the military are powerless to stop them,the MOD will not release every document even though they will say they do. [endtext]
Ministry Of Defence Not Interested In UFOs 2011 (Read Description)
Ufo documents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cezCJtgq-3cendofvid [starttext]looks like the scorpion battleship from eve online,but i doubt it. [endtext]
Cloaked UFO in Italy Google street view
Ufo in Italia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RW-wds17-cendofvid [starttext] I don't know if these 2 videos are fake, but they have generated a lot of noise.No matter if these 2 videos are realor not , the reality of the UFO/ALien/Devil/Jinn phenomenon is now confirmed, the Aliens are more and more showing themselves. [endtext]
2011 UFO crash & Alien Dead body found in Russia
Ufos in Russia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA3V-aRDlAendofvid [starttext]yeah it is. something like this also happened in california., but the thing was that it wasnt a cloud. i heard a loud bang and when i looked up in the sky there was a rainbow AT NIGHT. IT LOOKED LIKE THE SKY WAS TOREN OPEN BY SOMETHING.then i saw something flting out of it. that was the most weridest thing ever. [endtext]
Amazing Texas cloud, glows and forms UFO, UFO sighting and Paranormal News! - YouTube.flv
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS3tPlkjpnIendofvid [starttext]The plane would probably crash, most likely because that looks like a very long and a very large water spout, mostly because it's coming from the ocean in the distance and reaching upward. Im probably wrong though, but thats just what I think. [endtext]
UFO Sightings: Roll Cloud at South Oliphant, Ontario (HD).mp4
Ufo sightings
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFN116tXp-Qendofvid [starttext] Great clip, finally someone who is looking at how much evidence there is, how can UFO's not be real? There have been hundreds of thousands of eye witness accounts, that enough to win any court case [endtext]
BEST UFO documentary on youtube. Undeniable evidence.
Ufo documents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh0XckvfX_Iendofvid [starttext] Aren't these ufo's just military craft..If not i hope the.personnel aboard is friendly. [endtext]
UFO's A True Story(2011 documentary)part 1
Ufo documents
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDVTfrmF7ZIendofvid [starttext]"Seen by many?" There was like 5 people including yourself and the two people who walked past... [endtext]
UFO Flying Saucer Seen By Many At Napoleon's Tomb France
Ufo sightings 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REwATzhxzfcendofvid [starttext] Much too close to the camera to be a spacecraft of any kind. You can tell by how it moves and the focus factor that it's likely about the size of a Frisbee. Nice try, though.[endtext]
UFO spotted on KEY LARGO Dolphin Tour Boat Video 9-11-2011
Ufo sightings 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12y4_ButoD8endofvid [starttext] the government really doesnt know what we are dealing with, why do you think jets are scrambled every time someone calls in a ufo sighting. They dismiss most reports and cover up their ignorance on the subject with a more reasonable explanation [endtext]
Very Fast UFO Shot in Front Of My Truck 100% REAL PROOF
Ufo sightings
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtEdIcZIlE8endofvid [starttext]notice how all "UFO" videos are ALWAYS shaky and out of focus.... although this had decent focus the camera guy needs to learn to stay on target rather than messing around so much....and yes i understand they're on a boat, but still [endtext]
Insane - UFO sighting 100% real
Ufo sightings 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYMF5G9Npkoendofvid [starttext]"This is actually an oceanic mammal riot...many dolphins were seen looting and vandalizing human property. The proper authorities have dealt with the matter...we have the Japanese working on it now. " [endtext]
submarine?..shark?..UFO?? what the hell is it!!!
Ufo sightings 2011
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2F0lZbRsxMendofvid [starttext]Great video. No wonder many of the air traffic controllers who are talking about these events are losing their jobs. Do some research and you will find that many of the fired "sleeping" air traffic controllers were fired because they are tired of covering up for these sightings and also military chemtrails. [endtext]
Multiple UFO's over hurricane Irene by filmed by the ISS 8-26-11
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNJjKRJLQmgendofvid [starttext] Yes 3D object can change its width and also height from stationary view point like in this video. This balloon could be half empty so it would look even more stranger for some1 observing it. Idk what it is but i told you what balloon can do using logic, open mind, geometry and physics. It still remains UFO in my mind and probably so long until i forget it. Peace out ;) [endtext]
UFO in San Jose, CA Historical Footage
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1REdH86HTG0endofvid [starttext]I don't know what that large object is above the Earth, but I doubt it is a UFO. I know how easy it is to take a news cast, add something in, then play it back on the TV and record that with a camcorder like it really happened. The other lights...A ton of sattelites in space. I call BS [endtext]
UFO Over Hurricane Irene...Fox News And CNN Analyzed
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koMK3wpn7egendofvid [starttext]ufo flys in hurricane irene [endtext]
hurricane irene 2011 today amazing ufo sighting footage new york
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQGtndntU8sendofvid [starttext]Dude as much as I want to see a real UFO/Alien this unfortunately is not. Just youtube "chinese lanterns" and then you will get over this video and move on and wait for the next "encounter [endtext]
Ufo sighting in bronx ny 8-26-2011
Ufo in USA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEp4DG_Py7Aendofvid [starttext]Actually there were more than two but the others got stuck in traffic. [endtext]
Ufo Jakarta 2010
Ufo in Indonesia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWki-xl_ZtUendofvid [starttext]its an EMP electronics r down [endtext]
Massive Weird Cloud Indonesia 2010
Ufo in Indonesia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_81o3LwLLVEendofvid [starttext]That was so fake!!! (The joke, I mean. The UFO was authentic!) [endtext]
Ufo in Indonesia
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW-NKsmUri8endofvid [starttext]Yesterday SEP 4 2011 saw exactly the same thing but in San Diego over the Pacific ocean not far fro San Clamente no photos 2 show but definitely the same thing u have on video Looks very possible I thought it was an explosion like a burned out star but numerous flashes whatever that mean s either way it was not reported and no info so it is a UFO [endtext]
UFO sighting 18 february 2011, Bali island, Indonesia
Ufo in Indonesia
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